Temporary rural workers dwelling, South Staffordshire
Our client owned a small parcel of land in the Green Belt which was used for dog training. The intention was to start an alpaca breeding enterprise. A planning application was prepared for an agricultural building and a mobile home.
The application was refused by the Planning Committee. An appeal was lodged with the Planning Inspectorate. The Hearing was held and the appeal was dismissed.
However, the Inspector’s reasoning was considered to be faulty and an application was made to the High Court to have the decision quashed. The Treasury Solicitor submitted to judgement and the Inspectorate was ordered to re-determine the appeal. A further Hearing was held and the appeal was allowed and planning permission granted.
Clients testimonial
I was recommended Willis & Co in 2013 when we were about to start an alpaca business and needed a professional planning consultancy team to back us up. That was 4 years ago and we have been supported by Marc Willis and his team patiently and without complaint throughout all the emails, telephone calls and face to face discussions that I have demanded from him. I know I have made contact and asked the same question several times to be sure I’ve got it right or my other half has said, “I’m sure Marc didn’t say that” and again I’d be on the phone. Not once has Marc answered any of my queries with anything but a cheery helpful response.
Willis & Co continue to support us on our journey and have been instrumental in making our plans and dreams a reality. We are not quite there yet but I’m sure we wouldn’t be where we are today without Marc and his professional team behind us. We would recommend Willis & Co to everyone due to their dedication to provide a professional service which is delivered in a kind and helpful way.